Monday, 5 September 2011

Weekend Update - 05/09/11

So in the past weekend, and the week leading up to it, I have managed to complete the primary roadbed for the lower level. I am in the process of ordering a Helix and some extra wood to fill in the gaps where the rest of the track is - I am only using spline for the mainline run, as it will give me some flexibility with the placement of the sidings and smaller sections of track.

In other news

-Managed to install a TCS M1 decoder into a Bachmann SD45, and am beginning to fit micro-trains trucks to some walthers stack cars. Am still waiting on a shipment of FVM metal wheelsets to be used for Block Detection.

-Am currently researching the Helix Designs, I am still going for a prefab kit, and will be ordering it in the coming weeks.

-All going well, roadbed and track will be going down sometime in October, with some sort of trains running by xmas - even if it is train order working!


Laying of the 1:1 track plan, and beginning to lay the key spline

Initial Clamping

More Clamping 

The completed Lower LHS Spline

Continuing forward around the peninsula

Beginning to clamp the second curve

The completed LHS Spline

Another view of the RHS Spline, and the loop line on the peninsula

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