This weekend gone I managed to join the two halves of the layout together, and build two modules down the centre - 2040mm to be precise.
The first two modules goes in, 810mm each
Another view from the other side
Front view as it heads down the centre
The finished product - two completed centre modules
I also managed to sketch out on the floor in pencil the approximate ending point of the peninsula, and the Helixes. At this time I realised that it is going to be a rather tight fit between the helix and peninsula for people to squeeze through - so to counter this, I am going to sit the helix on a circular table, and either opt for:
-A 2.5% grade 76cm wide Helix, with 12.74 and 14" curves
-a 2% grade 90cm wide Helix, with 15 and 16.5" radius curves
From my research I've found that Most locos will run around 12" curves, although they may have a bit of bogie overhang. since it is not part of the visible part of the layout i'm not fussed, but a unit coal train grinding up a 2.5% grade on a tight continuous curve may have problems with tackling the grade. If that is the case helpers will have to be added, which is just another bit to add to the fun of operations. But if I can fit it comfortably, I'll add the larger helix instead. Once the peninsula is finished I'll get a better idea of sizing.
This weekend all major benchwork should be completed, so will post some photos of hopefully a semi-started layout. I've also ordered some LED SMD lights to test for lighting the layout, as well as a 5Amp transformer to power the lot of them, definitely a lot more energy efficient than flouros.
The next stage in the build will be to install and paint the backscenes, which will be done over the next few weeks - watch this space...